1 October 2022
Oh...extra special? Having my meals made for me, being ferried from place to place, having daily company of interesting guests (some of which we have swapped contact details), witnessing gorgeous flora and fauna - I had all the “extra” I needed. I did mention to James that it would be nice to have his mum on my next sail! (I have read her book). The booking of the Big Five was done when we came back from the Small Isles trip last July. The actual booking, admin and info part is easy and seamless - the problem is the
availability! The calendar is always “fully booked”. Go whilst your legs can still carry you!
L Stephen
What a superb trip we had this year on the Elizabeth G; a huge thank you to you all both on the boat and behind the scenes. I attach my lighthearted account of our adventure.
Margaret Knowles: 11 May 2019Private Charter 6 Nights