24 September 2022
Dear Emma - We think back to our cruise with so much pleasure and joy!! The hospitality was an incredible experience. The crew took wonderful care of us and the atmosphere on board was obviously highly professional, but also fantastically cheerful. Tailor-made service by Craig, superb and very varied meals (we all would have liked to take Michelle home with us, her cooking was sensational). What can I say…. Perfection!!
Christine Lepine
What is it about the Hebrides? The islands have been pulling me back every year since my first visit in the early 90’s. It may be my Scottish ancestry, but I think it’s the unique combination of landscape, wildlife and community that proves irresistible to the traveller in search of wilderness and solitude. For years, I have stood on the edge of islands like Skye, the Uists and Harris looking out at all those other islands, the unpopulated, inaccessible ones, wondering what they must be like.
Richard Rees: 19 May 2018Private Charter 6 Nights