Our Wildife Expert Lynsey Bland has just completed a refresher course in the WiSe scheme for responsible wildlife watching, delivered by the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust (HWDT). Lynsey enjoyed the course, and was amused to find she featured in some of the presentation images, showing Hebrides Cruises guests how to use the HWDT Whale Track App!
Hebrides Cruises specialises in giving our guests close encounters of marine wildlife, including many rare species, but only when wildlife watching will not disturb or stress the animals. We are WiSe accredited which means our crews have signed up to the WiSe Scheme of responsible marine operators.
WiSe courses are designed to ensure a solid understanding of how best to approach and interact with marine wildlife species, and focus on ways they can help minimise any unintentional disturbance from their activities on, in or near the water. WiSe has developed Codes of Conduct to promote safe and sustainable watching of our basking sharks, whales, dolphins, seals and seabirds. All WiSe trained individuals agree to abide by the appropriate Codes for the wildlife they encounter. Our Skipper and Owner Rob Barlow has the Master WiSe accreditation – the gold standard for responsible wildlife watching
Lynsey said “it was an informative and enjoyable course highlighting the importance of responsible wildlife watching. I’m honoured to be part of a company that gives all guests memorable wildlife experiences whilst ensuring disturbance is kept to a minimum.’
For more information on the WiSe Scheme: https://www.wisescheme.org/
This was my third cruise on lovely Emma Jane but the first without my husband Tom, who so enjoyed the previous two but who sadly died recently. I couldn't have picked anything better for my first time away without him. Boarding Emma Jane was like meeting an old friend again. Huge thanks to the lovely crew, Colin, Lynsey, Zoe and Jaya who were so kind and hardworking and who made the cruise a wonderful experience. Also to James and Emma for their sympathy and warm welcome and to my fellow passengers who were such fun to be with. The food is great, the wildlife and scenery spectacular but it's the people who make Hebrides Cruises so special and why I'll be back next year!
Heather Parry: 10 September 2022Skye and the Small Isles: Hebridean horizons