Whale Track App update news
Sunday, 19 December 2021
Hebrides Cruises were delighted to take part in a recent stakeholder meeting with the Hebridean Whale and Dolphin Trust, to inform future developments of the Whale Track App
Read MoreOur New Brochure for 2023
Thursday, 18 November 2021
Our new brochure for 2023 is now available. In line with our commitment to sustainable tourism, our new brochure is for the first time available to view online
Read MoreCruise the Southern Hebrides in 2023
Thursday, 23 September 2021
"Sea Kingdom of the Southern Hebrides" is an exciting new cruise for 2023
Read MoreLanding on the Flannan Isles - a unique experience
Monday, 23 August 2021
Landing on the Flannan Isles is a rare occurrence and we were delighted to be able to provide this for our guests.
Read MoreRob Barlow's 250th St Kilda trip
Thursday, 5 August 2021
Rob Barlow's 250th trip to St Kilda is a milestone that deserved to be recognised
Read MoreA magical return to St Kilda
Sunday, 20 June 2021
Our first trip to St Kilda this season was magical in every sense - we expected nothing less!
Read MoreA poem from our guest Margaret Knowles
Saturday, 19 June 2021
Read a poem from Margaret Knowles on her 14th chartered cruise with Hebrides Cruises
Read MoreCelebrating 25 years cruising the Hebrides
Friday, 30 April 2021
In 2021, Rob Barlow, Skipper and Owner of Hebrides Cruises, celebrates a personal 25 years introducing guests to cruising the Hebrides.
Read MoreSpacious new outside deck for Elizabeth G
Thursday, 21 January 2021
While we have not been at sea, Elizabeth G has had a major upgrade, with spacious new outside deck seating areas
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Responses to my questions very prompt – even on Sundays! And very clear. The description of the cruise, the facilities on board, and what we could expect to encounter subject to weather and tides was spot-on. Embarking on the boat was very easy. The scale of the harbour at Oban makes it easily found and accessible. The crew were instantly friendly, welcoming, and clear about keeping us all safe on board. Our luggage was stowed in our cabins with no fuss or effort on our part. I was amazed how the skipper devised solutions which enabled us to meet our major expectations despite having to wait for seas to calm following a night of strong winds. Scenery was fantastic. Even the fog was atmospheric. Going ashore was always a joy, conducted with expertise by the crew, and being led by Hannah with her unlimited enthusiasm and expert knowledge was not to be missed. Anchorages every night were calm and peaceful. I slept extremely well! The saloon was a convivial place at all times, especially after supper! The foredeck was great for spotting wildlife or admiring the scenery. Do it!
R Mills: 20 May 2024Far-flung islands: Shiants & the Summer Isles